Get Rid of Blue Line Under Pivot Table

Getting Rid Of Light Blue Lines

This place is the best....
Hopefully this is my last question of the day.

I have these light blue lines showing up on my sheet. I have "not boarders" selected and they do not print - but I can see them on the screen. Does anyone know how I can get rid of them?


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Any thoughts on how to fix these few random cells.


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I have a problem sometimes. I will click on a cell to add information.
The cell turns blue and then wherever I move, it highlights those to.
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I move even in those other programs (I know this sounds confusing).
When I return to excel thousands and thousands of cells are blue.

The biggest problem is that the highlighting won't turn off, no matter
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I can close it only with the task manager but when I open it again,
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other functions.

Do you think this is a problem with my computer, the excel program? I have changed my mouse and this didn't help.
Is there some shortcut to turn off this highlight feature other than restarting
my computer. Which is the only current way I can get rid of it.

Thanks for any advice,

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Hello, what I would like to do is take a portion of a sheet..... So the cells I want to mirror are in the proposal sheet cells B32 x F51. And then mirror the exact duplicate copy to another sheet. The other sheet should have those same values at A20 X G39. What I am trying to do is have a sheet that has skus, prices, and so forth and then when I add,delete, merge, color, or do anything to the cell on the "proposal creation" sheet I want it to mirror only a specific cells to another sheet that is "salesman copy" that we will print to clients. So this way ont he proposal copy a salesman can insert rows or even change the color of the cells and then have it mirror exactly the same on the "salesman copy" which is what we will print for clients. Thank you.

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Is there a way to lock the position, let's say , in the upper right
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Thanks to all the wonderful people here that have been so helpful and
give us their valuable insight and time.


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I added a print button to my userform


Private Sub btn1_Click() UserForm1.PrintForm End Sub            

This prints out the userform as I would like, however it autoprints to the default printer and doesn't allow any printing options so I can't select to "print to one page". So as of now it is only printing out half my form and cutting off the rest.

Any suggestions?

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changes, it automatically changes it back to all blue text and underlined. I
have tried to format all of the cells as "Text" to show as entered, but it
doesnt work. PLEASE HELP

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I want to split the lines into multiple rows.Each line should come in a different row.
I want to do this using macro.Is there is anyway to do this?
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I have a requirement to change the panes in excel.
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I have to free the first two lines in all the tabs except the first one.
I tried the following code.


xlsobj.Worksheets(1).Rows("1:2").Select ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True            

But in this I have to change the Active Worksheets in VBA, Which I want to avoid.
Is there any method to achieve this without selecting the cells.
Something like

xlsobj.Worksheets(1).Rows("1:2").FreezePanes = True            

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Hey there,

I have been tasked with introducing userforms into an excel sheet and tbh I'm quite amazed that excel has this capability of adding userforms to excel sheets.

Anyway, I have 2 columns of data in an excel sheet and I wish to add this to a userform so that the userform displays the 2 columns beside each other with headings, like a table. The user should then be able to select a particular row and insert it into the specified cell.

I would also like the user to select a row on the table and then be able to bring up another table depending on the row selected...basically so that the user can draw deeper into the information that they require.

I have an example excel sheet where I have 2 sheets. One sheet is the user entry sheet called User Entry Screen. the next sheet is the tables sheet where my tables are held. Once the user selects the cell shown in the example sheet, it should then bring up the user form. the user then, depending on which item clicked, then gets shown the next window with a table and info on it. then user should then be able to select an item and the cells on the user entry screen would then get populated.

Personally I think this is a really tricky challenge and any help with doing this would be extremely appreciated.

I'll post up further comments as I am trying to work my way through it!



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Is there a trick to copy-paste a group of cells into Outlook? I don't want to paste as a picture (shows up as an attachment and is lost when someone else Replies), but formatting is skewed when pasted as an Excel object. Right now I'm recreating the table in Word, then pasting, which doesn't loose formatting.

A specific problem is cells which don't have borders show up with very light grey borders in Outlook. This, I do not want.


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Hi there! This is definately a quick question, but I need to select a range. I'm looking to do so along these lines:

Range("Activecell.End(xlDown)", "Active.End(xlToRight)").Select            

This is definately a problem of not knowing the right jargon to do so.

Could someone please assist?

Thanks in advance!

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I'm trying to use conditional formatting to highlight phone calls that came in between certain hours.

The call times are in the custom format h:mm, although it could easily be changed to an Excel time format. I'm using Excel 2002. I want the cell to have a different fill color if it falls within particular time frames.

Example: If the call came in between 22:00 and 23:59 color is light green.
If the call came in between 23:59 and 08:00 the color is yellow.

Example spreadsheet is attached.

Thanks in advance.

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I'm trying to come up with a solution to calculate the man hours and days worked over multiple sheets.

I have a file that has 8 sheets. the first seven sheets are the days of the week and the 8th sheet is where I want to calculate the hours.

The days of the week consists of "Name" "Date" Hours"

The 8th sheet consists of "Name", "Days of the week in their own column (7 columns in total)", "Total Hours" and "Total Days Worked"

Now... each day is always a different group and what I'm hoping for is to create a formula that can grab each name with their hours and throw them into the 8th sheet. So when the end of the week is done I have all the Employees weekly hours and days worked all finished.

I hope this makes sense. This file is to track about 100 employees that are on a rotational work schedule.

I have attached a sample file.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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I have been using Excel (XP) to make a text chart for several months. Some of
my text entries are rather lengthy. The past two weeks these lengthy entries
are showing up as pound signs (#########) when I click off the cell. I know
the text will fit in the cell, and the problem isn't solved by making the
cell bigger or using a little bit less text. I have the cells formatted as
"text" and "wrap to fit". I have printed the pages and the printed version
also has pound signs. I just want my text to show up!

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I saw two threads in this forum that asked this question, with no good answer. I am posting this solution for anybody still struggling with this.

The question:
How can you prevent a cell's contents from overflowing into the next cell?

Of course, you can make the column wider or turn on text wrapping, but you might not want to. Each of those solutions can mess up the layout of your sheet. You may just want to truncate the value.

Some people have suggested putting a space in the next cell. This is unnecessary, a pain in the but, and will mess up any ISBLANK type formulas, among other things.

The solution:
Select the cells in question and turn on text wrapping (Format>Cells>Alignment>Wrap Text).
Now select the row(s) in question and manually set the row height, by right clicking the row number and selecting "Row Height". Check the height of an adjacent row for a good value.

Your cells will now not spill over either horizontally or vertically. They will simply truncate anything that doesn't fit.

Be careful now, because parts of your data may be hidden. This can cause its own set of problems if one or two digits are neatly hidden away. Think ahead if other people might be using this sheet, and not be expecting to have some data hidden.

Tested in Excel 2002

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I get the error message "reference is not valid" each time I open my spreadsheet. I get this message three times, and once I am done clicking ok on all three of them, my spreadsheet works just fine. The problem is, I have to send it to a bunch people.

I have a sheet with raw data a sheet with pivot tables a sheet with a dashboard and a simple macro
I don't have any #REF cells either.

Someone has any idea of what could be the problem?



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I am looking to change how an active cell is viewed. For instance when you are looking at your spreadsheet you can see the active cell has a thin black border around it. I would like to change the border to a thicker one and change the color to blue or red. I am trying to make it easier to the eye so when you are working on a large spreadsheet it is immediatly apparent where you are to avoid squinting.

If anyone can help me please let me know.

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Good mornng - I am new to the forum - my name is Jena

My question is this - I have a large spreadsheet with multiple columns of information. I want to sort it by a certain column. I know how to do this. My question is, once I'm done with my work I want to sort it back to the original "sort" but I'm not sure how they have it sorted. I've tried to figure out how they have it sorted but can't. Is there some way to go back to the original sort?

Thank you for your anticipated help.


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